Maybe try some arthouse films, as well. At worse, they're a good watch!

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I'll try, thank you 🙏

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Maybe try some arthouse films, as well. At worse, they're a good watch!

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Léa, really like your art; you have tons of talent & you're smart enough to do anything you could choose to do more than just art, advertising, graphics or product design, surface designs for tabletop, home decor & so much more. So please, my deepest conviction as an old industrial designer/artist: don't listen to a boring, empty, sad, insecure world that tells you the measure of your worth is in your wins or losses, in the amount of production or quality of your work. Your real worth is in who you are & how many children or people you can bring joy to. Add this to your virtual mentor list from William Blake, English poet, painter & printmaker: 'To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour'. See yourself as a priceless work of art created by God & precious to him; not as a commodity to produce, be bought or traded, nor your life with a price tag based on your job or work. 'Give, and it will be given to you'(Luke 6:38). So work hard but don't lose your soul nor your joy nor gratitude for seemingly small things in your life, your youth & family, opportunities to learn & grow. Make a child smile & you will slowly find yourself soaring with inspiration... Another piece of humble advice: most spiritually minded or religious fans might not like being called 'little demon'. Perhaps 'dear art followers' might be better.

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